T. Inagaki, "Technological and legal considerations for the design of interactions between human driver and advanced driver ../assistance systems"(invited talk), NeTWork 2011 Workshop on Control and Accountability in Highly Automated System, Toulouse, France, 29 September - 1 October 2011.
T. Inagaki, "To what extent may assistance systems correct and prevent 'erroneous' behaviour of the driver?" (HMAT 2010 Plenary speech), In P.C. Cacciabue et al (eds.), Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation. Springer, pp 33-41, 2011.
T. Inagaki, "Smart collaborations between humans and machines with mutual understanding," (IFAC HMS 2007 Plenary Speech), Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 32, pp. 253-261, 2008.
T.Inagaki, "Design of human-machine interactions in light of domain-dependence of human-centerd automation," Cogn Tech Work(2006) 8: 161-167
TOSHIYUKI INAGAKI, "Adaptive Automation: Sharing and Trading of Control," Chapter 8 of the Handbook of Cognitive Task Design, pp.147-169, (Erik Hollnagel Ed.) LEA, 2003