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高度自動化システムの導入(オートメーション)により高効率,高精度,高い状況適応性がもたらされた一方,その複雑さから, オートメーションサプライズや,制御における人間と機械の相互干渉等の問題が生じています。私たちは,システム,環境,そし て自動化システムに対する人間の適切な状況認識を支援するヒューマン・インタフェースを実現するため,研究を行っています。


その他のキーワード: モード認識,オートメーション・サプライズ,警戒心の欠如,意図理解,監視制御,人間中心の自動化,モード認識,状況適応的機能配分,意図理解


T. Inagaki,
"Real time interactions between humans and automation: Human factors points of view for transportation safety,"
4th International Congress on Embedded Real Time Software (ERTS 2008), Toulouse, France, Keynote lecture, January 31, 2008.


T. Inagaki,
"Design of human-machine interactions for enhancing comfort and safety,"
AAET 2005 (Keynote), Braunschweig, Germany, February 16, 2005.

T. Inagaki,
"Risk-based design of human interactions with smart machines,"
IEEE Asian Reliability Conference (Invited), November 19, 2005.

T. Inagaki,
"Viewpoints for Designing Human Interactions with Intelligent and Autonomous Machines,"
IDSS (Intelligent Decision Support Systems) 2005 (Invited), Siena, Italy, September 2, 2005.
T. Inagaki,
"Design of Human Interactions with Smart Machines: Lessons Learned from Aircraft Accidents,"
IARP/IEEE/EURON 2005 (Keynote lecture), Nagoya, June 17, 2005.
T. Inagaki,
"Design of Human-Machine Interactions for Enhancing Comfort and Safety,"
AAET 2005 Conference (Keynote lecture), Braunschweig, Germany, February 16, 2005.
T. Inagaki,
"Supervisory control in music and engineering: Dissimilarities and their implications,"
International Workshop on Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music (Invited), Kassel, Germany, 22 September 2001.


T. Inagaki,
"Human-machine collaboration for safety and comfort,"
Proc. ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS, pp. 127-130, 2009.

M. Itoh, T. Inagaki, Y. Shiraishi, T. Watanabe, Y. Takae:
"Contributing Factors for Mode Awareness of a Vehicle with a Low-Speed Range and a High-Speed Range ACC Systems,"
Proc. HFES 49th Annual Meeting, pp. 376-380, 2005.

T. Inagaki,
"Design of human-machine interactions in light of demain-dependence of human-centered automation,"
Cognition Technology & Work, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 161-167, 2006.

T. Inagaki, M. Itoh, Y. Nagai,
"Efficacy and acceptance of driver support under possible mismatches between driver's intent and traffic conditions,"
Proc. HFES 50th Annual Meeting 2006, pp. 280-283.

M. Itoh, T. Inagaki, Y. Shiraishi, T. Watanabe, Y. Takae:
"Contributing Factors for Mode Awareness of a Vehicle with a Low-Speed Range and a High-Speed Range ACC Systems,"
Proc. HFES 49th Annual Meeting, pp. 376-380, 2005.
H. Zhou, M. Itoh, H. Furukawa, T. Inagaki:
"Modeling Human-Machine Interaction for Describing Contributing Factors of Automation-Surprises,"
Proc. Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, Tsukuba, 2005.
T. Inagaki, H. Furukawa, M. Itoh,
"Human interaction with adaptive automation: Strategies for trading of control under possibility of over-trust and complacency,"
Proc. HCI International - Augmented Cognition 2005 (CD-ROM 10 pages).
T. Inagaki and H. Furukawa,
"Computer simulation for the design of authority in the adaptive cruise control systems under possibility of driver's over-trust in automation,"
Proc. IEEE SMC 2004 Conference, The Hague, pp. 3932-3937, 2004.
T. Inagaki and J. Stahre,
"Human supervision and control in engineering and music: Similarities, dissimilarities, and their implications," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 589-600, 2004.
伊藤 誠,丸山公輔,稲垣敏之,白石恭裕,渡辺隆行,高江康彦,
丸山公輔,伊藤 誠,稲垣敏之,白石恭裕,渡辺隆行,高江康彦,
信学技報,Vol. 104, No. 76, pp. 27-30, 2004
自動車技術会2003年秋季大会,2003. 自技会(2003年 秋季大会優秀講演発表賞 受賞)
T. Inagaki, T. Kunioka,
"Possible automation surprises in the low-speed range adaptive cruise control system,"
The IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation, pp. 335-340, 2002
T. Inagaki, R. Parasuraman,
"Probabilistic analysis of human interaction with automated alerts,"
Proc. 5th Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM), pp. 2405-2410, 2000.
T. Inagaki, T. Yokoba,
"Trust in and reliance on an automated warning with two failure modes: Observations from a viewpoint of situation awareness,"
Proc. HPSAA (Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation) Conference, pp.82-87, 2000.
T. Inagaki, Y. Takae, N. Moray,
"Decision support information for takeoff safety in the human-centered automation",
Proc. IEEE SMC International Conference, pp. 1101-1106, 1999



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